Acrastyle Limited has substantial experience in providing services and solutions in Engineering Design. As part of the Acrastyle Difference, these services allow us to provide our clients with a completely safe and tested solution.
One of the key aspects of any substation project is to ensure that there is a careful understanding of the protection scheme in question. This process includes the need to establish that all drawings are accurate and up-to-date.
Protection & Control Design
As market leaders since 1962, our technical expertise enables us to design the most complex power system schemes. We also provide simple overcurrent and earth fault schemes for less complicated applications.
At Acrastyle, we have a complete understanding of substation protection and control solutions which has enabled us to respond to the power sector’s increasing demand for fully engineered solutions.
Our protection and control design service has been implemented in low-voltage (LV), high-voltage (HV) and extra-high-voltage (EHV) systems that are in use throughout the world. Our protection and control design service begins with a detailed understanding of the planned power system configuration. This includes the power system operating parameters under both normal and fault conditions, as well as all the mechanical and electrical limitations that may be imposed by the substation site. Alongside this, the protection and control design process is carefully controlled with all stages checked and signed off.
The high-quality service offering that we provide in protection and control design combined with our substantial experience also ensures that full system testing to the scheme drawing including equipment, manufacture and design is undertaken to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the system.
Interface Engineering
At Acrastyle, we also have a team of Interface Engineers that produce clear substation drawings. The result of these technical designs illustrates how to connect the switchgear, transformers and relays via the various multi-core cables and marshalling kiosks.
This service also ensures that cable length data, termination gland requirements and calculations are all correct for the application. When the installation and commissioning engineers approach the installation phase, all the separately designed and supplied elements join up as an integrated whole. Interface engineering is all about ‘integration’ and without it, there will never be a fully connected system.
CAD Services
In the digital age, it is of paramount importance that where possible, computer-aided-design (CAD) software is used.
We use the latest AutoCAD software and we can provide drawings in DWG format in addition to DXF, DWF and Adobe PDF files. Drawings in other formats can also be provided upon request.
The use of CAD minimises the risk of losing scheme drawings. We pride ourselves on keeping an accurate record of every drawing revision. We can provide a CAD design and drafting service for almost any application.
We also have the capabilities to be able to convert old paper drawings into fully readable, modern and versatile CAD drawings. As part of our engineering design services, we also have an experienced team of electrical engineers who can scan existing substation drawings whilst on-site without the need for removal. This is achieved by using a modern A0 colour drawing scanner which is critical when the site drawings are the only copies available. Where old paper drawings are either missing, difficult to read or out-of-date, we also offer a drawings replacement service.
Get In Touch
As a leading name and with over 50 years of experience in the sector, we have earned a unique reputation for superior product quality and excellent customer service. Our highly-skilled, passionate personnel continue to provide market-leading Power System Protection solutions. We are dedicated to our work all around the UK and globally. If you have an enquiry about a project or would like to find out more about our products and services please get in touch.
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